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IMSI Affiliate Program

Earn 15% Commission for Each Sale You Refer to IMSI Through Our Affiliate Program

If you have enjoyed our award-winning CAD and Home Design product lines, and you're a little resourceful with sharing your experince, there is high earning potential in recommending IMSI products to others. A personal or company website or a blog is an easy way, as is recommending our products through social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter. Maybe you have friends or coworkers who might be interested in the best value CAD or Home Design software? There are many ways in which you could "sell" IMSI products and earn extra money; it's easy to sign up.

How It Works

As an IMSI Affiliate Partner, you will earn 15% commission on every sale of IMSI products originating from your affiliate links. IMSI offers a 45-day cookie duration period, which means that you will get paid commission on sales taking place up to 45 days after the user first clicked on your links. Product price points range from $20 to $1,495, with an average order size of about $125.

The IMSI Affiliate Program is easy to join, easy to setup, and easy to use. There are also no costs associated with joining. In order to track the commissions you are earning, you'll have access to detailed, real-time reporting through oneNetworkDirect. Payments will be made to you through the affiliate network on a monthly basis, as long as you meet the minimum payment level (generally $25).


More Information?

For additional information regarding IMSI's Affiliate Program, or if you need help getting started, contact Sofia at [email protected].

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