Frequently Asked Questions
IMSI Design is dedicated to providing customers with a superior level of service. Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding online orders to assist you.
Order Information
How to order?
Once you have selected the software you want to purchase, click the "Buy Now" button on the product page or product catalog page. Alternatively, if you are returning to complete an open shopping cart, simply click on the cart icon in the upper right corner of this website. You will then be directed to a secure shopping cart where you can review the contents of your order: software name, version, operating system platform, delivery method, quantity, and price. You can also add additional software and services (Be sure to check out the options below the cart page). You may click continue shopping, or just scroll down to complete your order.
To complete the order, scroll down to login to your existing account if you have previously registered. If you are a new customer, fill out the information form . The following fields will be required for customer registration: - Name and billing address: used for billing purposes - Email: is used to send you the electronic receipt and the access codes to download your software. - Password: used to login to your IMSI Design account. As soon as you have filled out the form, you can complete your purchase by selecting your preferred payment method. All payments are processed in secure mode (SSL and SET) according to the ISO 8583 standard.
What is the Extended Download Service?
Software problems are often caused by a system crash, computer virus or technical bugs. In case you didn't create a backup of your hard disk, you risk losing the software you bought and installed. To avoid such a loss, you can protect your software easily with our Extended Download Service. By purchasing the Extended Download Service, you are able to re-download your software again for up to two years from the order date. In order to retrieve the Extended Download Service, please click the "Download" link that you received together with your order confirmation e-mail, enter your account information and then click submit to enter the "Download" area. You can also use the Account Login to find your previous purchase in the “My Software” section. You are now able to reclaim and re-download your software.
What is a BackUp USB Flash Drive?
You can choose to order a copy of your download software on a USB Flash Drive. This ensures that you always have a copy of your software at hand! Your Backup Copy on a USB Flash Drive will be sent by post within 7 business days. The license key from your initial purchase is needed for installation.
How do I change my billing and/or shipping information?
Use the Account Login to change your billing and/or shipping information before your order is placed.
Please note: All corrections must be made prior to validating your order. Physical shipments including Backup USB Flash Drive are immediately sent to the fulfillment agency and our system cannot retrieve or redirect the shipping address of an order in transit.
What payment methods can I use?
We accept Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover®, as well as ATM cards if they are issued by one of these major credit card companies. We also accept PayPal®. Our servers encrypt all information submitted to us, so you can be confident that your credit card information is safe and secure. If you would like to pay with pre-approved credit terms by use of a purchase order (PO), you will need to order by telephone. Some restrictions apply. Please contact us via email at [email protected] or if you're having issues with the online purchase, contact IMSI sales representative by calling 1.800.833.8082 or 1.415.483.8000 Monday through Friday between 6am and 5pm Pacific Time. We do not accept Gift Cards.
Should I use spaces or dashes when I enter my credit card number?
No. Enter your credit card number without any spaces or special characters. It should be entered as a continuous string of numbers.
Does my billing address have to match the address on file with my credit card?
Yes. For credit card verification you must enter your billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement.
Why is my credit card being rejected?
There are many possible reasons for a credit card not being accepted:
- The card is expired.
- You have reached or exceeded your credit limit.
- You have exceeded your daily charge limit.
- A computer at either end of the transaction is having technical problems.
- Your Credit Card Provider has blocked purchase.
How is my order processed?
- Once you place your order and your payment is approved, an order confirmation email is sent to you instantly.
- Upon receipt of the confirmation email, you may proceed to download your software immediately using the download access link provided in the email.
- Once you have downloaded the software, you will be able to install it and activate it using the serial number and activation key included in your confirmation email.
When will my credit card be charged?
Your credit card is charged when you click purchase.
What is my order status?
If for some reason your download was not immediately released, you can view your order status through our online Account Login. Once you’ve logged in, click the “Order History And Details” button to see your order status. Click the plus (+) sign next to your order ID to get complete details on your order.
How will the charge show up on my credit card?
The charge for your order will appear on your credit card as: IMSI Design
Can I order without a credit card?
Yes. In addition to credit cards we accept PayPal for online orders. If you would like to pay by use of a purchase order (PO) with preapproved credit terms and conditions, you will need to order by telephone. Some restrictions apply. Please contact an IMSI Design sales representative by calling 1.800.833.8082 or 1.415.483.8000 Monday through Friday between 6am and 3pm Pacific Time.
Do I have to pay sales tax?
Depending on the order, sales tax may be calculated and charged. Any sales tax charged will be indicated once your billing and/or shipping address have been entered during checkout. Sales tax is collected on United States orders placed by customers located in states where IMSI Design has a tax presence. In some states, sales tax might or might not be collected depending on the contents of the customer’s shopping cart. For U.S. orders placed by customers in states where IMSI Design does not have tax nexus, no sales tax is collected.
How do I get a copy of my invoice?
A copy of your invoice will be emailed to you. You can also print a copy of your invoice through our online Account Login from the My Software page.
Download Information
How do I download my purchase?
You can download by either clicking the Download button in your email order or directly in your customer account Account Login. In your account, enter your credentials in order to log in, and then click on “Software” where you will find the list of all your orders. By clicking on the Download button you will be able to download your purchase. It will ask you to Save Target As in Microsoft® Internet®Explorer® or Save Link As in Mozilla® Firefox® and Google® Chrome®. Do not rename the download file as this can cause installation problems.
Where should I save the download file?
You can save the download file anywhere you like but you should make sure to remember that location or the name of the downloaded file. Most people find it easiest to save their download file on their Desktop.
What will happen when I download?
Once the download starts, you will see a pop-up with a status bar and a percentage that will climb to 100%.
What should I do after I download?
When the download finishes, you should go to the location where you saved the file and double-click on it to begin the installation.
What if the download stops before it completes?
If your download stops or is interrupted before it completes, simply click the Begin Download button again and the download should resume where it left off. You can also use the Account Login to find your previous purchase in the “Order History And Details” section. You are now able to reclaim and re-download your software.
I finished downloading my purchase. Where was the file saved?
The file was saved in the default "Save As" location specified by your browser, or the location you selected in the "Save As" window that appeared when the download began. If you know the name of the download file, you can search for the file on your computer.
How can I re-download software that I have already purchased?
You can re-download your software by clicking on the Account Login icon at the top right of this website, then “Order History And Details” to look up your order. Click on the order reference number for more details. Scroll down to “Products” to redownload your software.
What is the Extended Download Service?
Software problems are often caused by a system crash, computer virus or technical bugs. In case you didn't create a backup of your hard disk, you risk losing the software you bought and installed. To avoid such a loss, you can protect your software easily with our Extended Download Service. By purchasing the Extended Download Service, you are able to re-download your software again for up to two years from the order date. When and how to reclaim the Extended Download Service? Use the Account Login to find your previous purchase in the “Order History And Details” section. You are now able to re-download your software.
How do I get a physical version of my downloaded product?
You may purchase a back up disc at the time of checkout. If you did not purchase it at check out, contact IMSI Customer Service at 1.800.833.8082 to purchase a back up disc.
How do I get my serial number or unlock code?
If your product requires a serial number or unlock code, you can usually find it in the Order Confirmation email that was sent to you when you submitted the order. If you do not have your Order Confirmation email, you can use the Account Login to look up your order and get your serial number or unlock code.
What do I do if my serial number or unlock code is not working?
First, make sure you have the correct serial number or unlock code. You can get your serial number or unlock code from the Order Confirmation email that was sent when the order was submitted, or use the Account Login to find your previous purchase in the “Order History And Details” section. Click on the order you are looking for and scroll down to the products section.
Second, please note that serial numbers, registration numbers, unlock codes, and passwords are case-sensitive. Make sure you are entering your code in upper case characters. If you still have problems, contact IMSI Customer Service at [email protected].
Returns, Exchanges, and Cancellations
What is your refund policy?
We offer a 30-day money back guarantee for all software as long as the program hasn't been installed and license has not been activated. Shipping charges for physical orders are not eligible for refunds. A completed Electronic Letter of Destruction (ELOD or LOD) must be received within 30 days. Backup USBs and discs must be returned prior to refunds. Other restrictions apply. For more information about our return policy, please consult the complete Terms and Conditions.
How to do I exchange defective media?
If you receive a product from IMSI Design whose media will not load or launch the application or otherwise appears to be defective, please contact IMSI Design via email [email protected] with your product name, version, and any other information that might help our support staff diagnose the problem, and we will respond during business hours.
How do I request a refund?
In order to request a refund, please contact IMSI Design customer service at [email protected] with your product name, version, and any other information that might help our support staff. In either case, you will be requested to complete a Letter of Destruction (ELOD or LOD).
When will my credit appear on my credit card?
Your refund credit should appear on your card within 10 business days after we receive your completed letter of destruction (ELOD or LOD), any physical returned product(s) and any backup disc(s). Credit card processing times may vary due to your credit card processor. Please allow up to 30 days or a full billing cycle for your refund to appear on your statement.
Privacy and Security
What is your privacy policy?
Our servers encrypt all information submitted to them, so you can be confident that your information will be safe and secure. View our complete Privacy Policy
Is the software sold here legally?
Products purchased and downloaded from this store are guaranteed to be 100% legal and the latest versions. Our download platform is secure and provides you with a safe and reliable digital download experience.
Can I be sure the software is virus free?
All the products sold on this store were tested and scanned. We guarantee that our products are 100% free of viruses and spyware.
Why do I need to set my browser to accept cookies?
Our commerce system is cookie dependent. We use cookies to track products in your shopping cart, as well as discounts and other attributes of your order. The cookie identifies your cart contents (products, discounts, etc.) or order information (billing and personal information is not saved in the cookie). Each time you make a purchase on the site, the cookie is used to speed up the checkout process and enhance your shopping experience.
Are cookies a security risk?
No. Our commerce system encrypts all cookies. Also, the cookie contains no personal information, just a unique identifier for our system to recognize your browser.
How do I set up my browser to accept cookies?
If you're using Microsoft® Internet® Explorer® 6.0 or higher, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Then, in the Internet Options window, click the Privacy tab. The default setting is Medium, which allows you to accept cookies. You can move the slider to change the security setting if it is not set to Medium. If the setting is Custom click the Advanced button and make sure both first-party and third-party cookies are set to be accepted. If you're using Microsoft® Internet® Explorer® 5.x, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Click the Security tab. Select the Internet Zone and click Custom Level. Scroll to the Cookies options and select Enable. If you're using Mozilla® Firefox® 2.0 or higher, on the Tools menu, click Options. Click the Privacy tab and select Accept cookies from sites.
Software asks for activation every time I launch?
If activation is required every time you launch the software, then there may be a problem with registry virtualization. To get around this launch our software by right clicking the desktop icon then choosing run as administrator from the local menu that pops up. You will be required to activate one final time.
More Questions?
Our friendly support team is here to help! Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance with your online order.
IMSI Support & Documentation
Why Aren't Older Versions Supported?
Because the system requirements for older software are out-of-date, the working environment cannot be duplicated by IMSI's technical support team. In most cases, issues are resolved by upgrading, and you are strongly encouraged to do so if you are an owner of a product that is several years old. To request an upgrade quote, please email [email protected].