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Technical Support

Get help with product installation and activation, frequently asked questions, and technical support on TurboCAD, DesignCAD, FloorPlan, TurboPDF, and other IMSI Design products.

IMSI software goes through rigorous testing cycles; however, hardware and operating system configurations may sometimes cause unexpected software errors or behavior. For help troubleshooting program errors, or for installation assistance, select your brand below to see information and contact options.

TurboCAD Windows

TurboCAD Windows includes TurboCAD Platinum, TurboCAD Professional, TurboCAD Deluxe, and TurboCAD Designer and LTE variants.  We offer free assistance troubleshooting unexpected software errors or behavior to owners of versions 2022, 2021 and, 2020.  

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TurboCAD Mac
IMSI Support & Documentation
Why Aren't Older Versions Supported?

Because the system requirements for older software are out-of-date, the working environment cannot be duplicated by IMSI's technical support team. In most cases, issues are resolved by upgrading, and you are strongly encouraged to do so if you are an owner of a product that is several years old. To request an upgrade quote, please email [email protected].

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