Founded in 1983, IMSI is a leader in feature-rich, yet affordable, general-purpose CAD (Computer Aided Design) and home design desktop software, and a pioneer in mobile solutions for the AEC (Architectural, Engineering, and Construction) industry.
IMSI Design is a maker of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and home design software for Windows and Mac, as well as mobile solutions for the AEC (Architectural, Engineering, and Construction) industry.
The Beam Analysis Tool provides complete analysis of deflection and stresses caused by direct forces on simply supported beams. Its intuitive interface enables immediate productivity, while more advanced features allow great flexibility in problem definition.
As a plug-in, works with both 32 and 64 bit versions of TurboCAD Pro and Platinum 20 ,21, and 2015. The Beam Analysis Tool facilitates best practices by saving the beam information and all analysis diagrams directly in the drawing file, alongside the beam. This is useful for collaboration, and also saves a great deal of time when plans change and analyses need to be updated. Further collaboration is supported by options to save beam analyses as XML files, or to publish configuration details and all diagrams as HTML files to post on an intranet or extranet. (See an example HTML page.)
The Beam Analysis Tool is specifically designed for use by structural, mechanical, and civil engineers; architectural designers; designer/builders; general contractors; municipal planning departments; and students.
Founded in 1983, IMSI is a leader in feature-rich, yet affordable, general-purpose CAD (Computer Aided Design) and home design desktop software, and a pioneer in mobile solutions for the AEC (Architectural, Engineering, and Construction) industry.