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IMSI Design Releases TurboCAD 2018

TurboCAD 2018 includes over three dozen new and improved features. “This year’s release places an emphasis on usability and design efficiency for both 2D and 3D work and include a new Ribbon interface, a greatly improved ability to create and assign keyboard shortcuts, a quick pull tool that now works with surfaces , as well a greater ability to work with vector PDF files ,stated Bob Mayer, President of IMSI Design.”

“With the new Universal Build technology we’ve incorporated into TurboCAD, we are now able to launch all TurboCAD versions simultaneously, something we believe our customers will really appreciate, “added Mayer

To view videos showcasing the product’s new and enhanced features. An overview of these new and improved features include (please see www.TurboCAD.com for a complete listing):

Usability & Interface

  • New and Improved Interface Options – In addition to the new Ribbon option, the popular CADCourse interface has been updated.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts – Similar to the functionality found in other CAD products, users now have the ability to set up keyboard short cuts that consist of either two or more keystrokes to quickly invoke any TurboCAD command. These keystrokes are sequential and do not need to be a keyboard combination.
  • Isolate and Hide Objects – This terrific new feature allows users to take a complex drawing and to quickly reduce its complexity by allowing them to select certain entities and to isolate them independent of layers or groups. Users also have the choice of hiding objects so that you can focus only on the entities that are important during the editing procedure.
  • Search Option for Locating UI Features – This new feature allows users to quickly search for particular commands within the Customize dialog, allowing the user to quickly identify either the command itself or its keyboard shortcut. With this, users can easily customize their interface to suit their own needs by dragging the icon onto a familiar toolbar or by creating a new customized keyboard shortcut commands

2D Drafting and Editing

  • PDF Underlay Improvement – A new tool "PDF underlay to Objects" has been implemented. It gives the ability to convert an Underlay into an editable object.
  • Snap Between Two Points – New text editor interface with new formatting features and new options including numbered lists, bulleted lists, and multi-column support.
  • Thick Profile Tool – Scale a set of objects to a specific size by using two reference points.
  • Flatten Tool – Use the Flatten tool for 3D polylines and 3D splines to make them flat on the work plane.

3D Drawing, Modeling, and Editing

  • New Quick Pull for Surfaces – No longer is this handy tool limited to ACIS, solid models, it can pull or push a closed 2D area of a 3D object (TC Surface).
  • Sheet Thicken Capability – Used in Shelling, this tool allows you to turn 2D entities, either closed or open, into flat 2D sheets and then to give them a 3D thickness by using the thicken feature of Shell tool. Further, it is possible to thicken the sheet in two directions by adjusting settings on the inspector.
  • Improved Coordinate Measurements – In prior versions of TurboCAD, the Measure Coordinates of the Point tool could only measure the X and Y values Now, the Measure Coordinates tool behaves more like a 3D tool in that will show the 3D coordinate of the World coordinate system independent of the active user coordinate system.


  • Add Roof by Walls Improvement – Previously, this tool could create only one roof object. Now, multiple objects may be created.
  • Expanded Support for IFC Object Types – Over 40 different object types are now supported for IFC Import to or Export from TurboCAD.
  • BIM Tool Enhancements – Edit property sets imported from IFC files, and define any TurboCAD entity as the corresponding desired IFC entity and establish the appropriate property set export to IFC.
  • Relative Angle fields for Wall and Polyline update – While drawing walls or polylines, you can now choose to enter an Angle (which is absolute in relation to the world coordinates) or a Relative Angle which is the angle from the immediately previous segment (arc or line).

Photorealistic Rendering and Visualization

  • Improved LightWorks Rendering – LightWorks is once again the default photorealistic rendering engine used in TurboCAD. Improvements have been made to Render Styles, the Render and GI Controllers, Environments, and several other facets to rendering controls.
  • New Redsdk 4.3 Engine Migration – Improved and interactive Color Adjustments, Filters and Sketch Rendering. Note: Redsdk is now offered as an optional plug-in TurboCAD.

File Support / Interoperability

  • AutoCAD 2018 compatibility Improved AutoCAD (DXF, DWG, and DWF) File Compatibility – Implementation of the latest Teigha engine.
  • Import 2D PDF Page as a Vector Page – 2D Vector PDF files can now be directly imported into TurboCAD as a vector page. The file can be imported as either a TurboCAD Object or Group of Graphics.
  • New 3MF file Export – for manufacturing.
  • 3DS, STEP, Rhino and U3D improvements – For Import and Export.

Availability and Pricing

TurboCAD Pro Platinum 2018 is now available for $1,499.99 USD for a full, permanent license, $499.99/year for an annual subscription, TurboCAD Expert for $499.99, TurboCAD Deluxe for $149.99, and TurboCAD Designer for $49.99.

About IMSI Design

IMSI Design is a maker of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and home design software for Windows and Mac, as well as mobile solutions for the AEC (Architectural, Engineering, and Construction) industry.